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Tuesday, October 29  -  Workshop Materials

Session I:

Trauma Informed Care: An Overview
Presentation: Trauma Informed Care: An Overview

Ethical Dilemmas in the Digital Age
Presentation: Ethical Dilemmas in the Digital Age

Psychotropic Medications 101: What you Need to Know
Presentation: Psychotropic Medications 101: What you Need to Know

IPS Supported Employment: A Label Does Not Define Me Or Who I Am Meant To Be!
Presentation: IPS Supported Employment: A Label Does Not Define Me Or Who I Am Meant To Be!

ADA Compliance and What You Need to Know
Presentation: ADA Compliance and What You Need to Know

What is CIT? (Crisis Intervention Team)
Presentation: What is CIT? (Crisis Intervention Team)


Session II:

If Addiction is not Willful Bad Behavior, then What is it?
Presentation: If Addiction is not Willful Bad Behavior, then What is it?

Substance Use Disorders 101
Presentation: Substance Use Disorders 101

Engaging Transition Age Youth for Improved Outcomes
Presentation: Engaging Transition Age Youth for Improved Outcomes

Motivational Interviewing (MI) & Open Ended Questions
Presentation: Motivational Interviewing (MI) & Open Ended Questions

Self-Care & Personal Safety
Presentation: Self-Care & Personal Safety

Person Centered Recovery Planning: A Behavioral Health Overview
Presentation: Person Centered Recovery Planning: A Behavioral Health Overview


Wednesday, October 30  -  Workshop Materials


US Census 2020: Why It Matters So Much!

Presentation: US Census 2020: Why It Matters So Much!

Handout 1 - How Census Data is UsedUS Census 2020: Why It Matters So Much!

Handout 2 - Statistics in Schools and 2020 FlyerUS Census 2020: Why It Matters So Much!

Handout 3 - Why We Ask Fact SheetUS Census 2020: Why It Matters So Much!


Session I:

Suicide Prevention and Safety Planning
Presentation: Suicide Prevention and Safety Planning

The Language of Recovery: How to Share the Reality of Recovery with Others
Presentation: The Language of Recovery: How to Share the Reality of Recovery with Others

Human Trafficking: Street Signs and Recruitment Methods

Psychotropic Medications 101
Presentation: Psychotropic Medications 101

Working with Gender Creative Youth and their Communities
Presentation: Working with Gender Creative Youth and their Communities

Work Incentives and Assistance Programs/DB101 on Line Portal
Presentation: Work Incentives and Assistance Programs/DB101 on Line Portal

Handout 1:  Work Incentives and Assistance Programs/DB101 on Line Portal

Handout 2: Work Incentives and Assistance Programs/DB101 on Line Portal


Session II:

Engaging Families in Treatment and Recovery
Presentation: Engaging Families in Treatment and Recovery

Becoming Recovery Champions: From Addiction to Recovery
Presentation: Becoming Recovery Champions: From Addiction to Recovery

Reaching for their Dreams: Using Recovery Capital as the Foundation for Recovery Planning
Presentation: Reaching for their Dreams: Using Recovery Capital as the Foundation for Recovery Planning

Handout 1 - Interview Assessment Tool: Reaching for their Dreams: Using Recovery Capital as the Foundation for Recovery Planning

Handout 2 - Planning Worksheet: Reaching for their Dreams: Using Recovery Capital as the Foundation for Recovery Planning

Natural Supports: Do They Really Need to be Involved in Treatment?​- Presenter: Barbara Greene & Brittany Roberts
Presentation: Natural Supports: Do They Really Need to be Involved in Treatment?

The Peer Voice
Presentation: The Peer Voice

Criminal Justice Interface: Discussion of Expungement, Community Re-Entry & Employment
Presentation: Criminal Justice Interface: Discussion of Expungement, Community Re-Entry & Employment