Donna Mundy


Donna Mundy currently serves as the Project Director for the Center for Accessible Living CHOICES NAVIGATOR Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Program (WIPA) in Louisville, Kentucky and is a Certified Work Incentive Counselor.  She began her career in Social Security work incentives as a project manager for the Southern Indiana WIPA in Indiana back in 2008.  She became a fully certified Work Incentive Counselor (CWIC) in early 2010.  She has provided benefits counseling for persons with disability with the WIPAs in Kentucky and Indiana, the nationwide Employment Success Advisor project, COVA in Ohio, the Substantial Gainful Activity project and as an in-house benefits counselor with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation in Kentucky.   She participates regularly in training and continuing education courses to stay up-to-date of changes in Social Security’s rules and regulations. 

Donna truly believes in the power of education and choice.  The more accurate information an individual has, the better the choices can be to lead a whole and fulfilling life based on individual, unique characteristics and circumstances.  She has seen first-hand how when given accurate information, individuals can and do change their lives for the better.  They can see potential to overcome barriers and thrive rather than barely survive.  She and her partner, Thomas, reside in rural Indiana with their two dogs and cat.  She has four children and six grandchildren.